Ok, so probably the LAST thing I need is to take on something new.... but I do have this personality that leads me to new and fun things continually... so I'll try it. I've recently started reading other crafters' blogs, and I'm feeling the need to reach out to all of you and show you a little more about me, my life, my family, and the crazy things we do! I hope to show you some of my favourite projects (be it renovations, cooking, sewing, crafting, scrapbooking, whatever!). I'm also pretty proud of some second hand purchases I've been making lately. I'll surely have to devote a post or two to my visits to the Economy Shop in Strathroy (the second hand store of my childhood, now of my kids' childhood!)
So, consider this an introduction to the next chapter in my life, as I become more in tune with my creative side, and try to balance it with all the other demands of mothering, wife-ing (is that a word?!?)and trying to live a good life, all the while trying to document it in this blog. I never thought I'd do it, but, HERE WE GO.... thanks for reading!
I'll leave you with a super cute pic of my little monkey...

Fall 2009 did not disappoint with the amount of leaves our tree dumped on the front lawn, although it was pretty late in the season!