I thank all of you for your lovely comments!!!
Stay tuned for the winner post!

Welcome to the missbossypants giveaway!!!!!
This day could not have come at a better time! 2 weeks ago, I had my one year blogiversary. I wanted to comemorate the occasion by doing a giveaway, but didn't know what to give away, or how I would execute the whole thing. THEN... I found out Sew, Mama, Sew was going to do their twice yearly giveaway!!!
When thinking and thinking and thinking.....and thinking....... of what to give away, I was thinking I should pay homage to my favourite colour: TURQUOISE
Yeah, I know, it's a really popular colour right now, so I feel the need to clarify that I liked it before it was "in". So n.o.t. a follower! lol, just had to throw that one out there. okay, so....... yeah, let's get on with the goods....
To one of you lucky readers, you'll win 3 missbossypants creations:

cup cozy protects your hands from hot drinks, insulates your drink from getting cold, AND makes a statement!!! Quilter's cotton one one side, turquoise flannel on the other, and fastened by velcro.

little birdie would love to grace your Christmas tree! It has a fabric-covered button at the neck and a clear thread for hanging on that perfect branch.

Ok, ok, you caught me, I don't have the third prize made just yet, but imagine one of these
felt dahlia pins in turquoise, and there you have it!!! It will be made this week, and maybe I'll even be able to photograph it and get it on this post in time before the giveaway ends! (this picture is of the pins I made for my son's pre-school teachers at the end of the "school year" last June - they loved their teacher gifts!)
So, I bet you guys are just waiting to find out how you can win the loot.... Ok, here are the rules...
1. Leave a comment below, telling me what your favourite colour is.
2. If you are a follower of my blog, congratulations, you get one more entry!!!! Please leave a message telling me you follow this crazy hairbrained blog!
The giveaway will be open until this friday at noon, EST. I'll use the online random number picker doo-hicky to pick the winner. PLEASE MAKE SURE I CAN CONTACT YOU!!! If your e-mail is not public in your profile, please leave your contact info at the end of your comment.
If you are the winner, I will contact you by e-mail to get your mailing address. I will ship internationally. All entrants from all corners of the world are welcome! The prize will be sent out on Monday, December 20th (provided I have been able to reach you to get your home address).
Once you're done entering this giveaway, visit the main listing of all giveaways on the Sew, Mama, Sew Blog. Good luck, and happy blog surfing!